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產品標題:8C-TPOX01Profibus DP網關模塊安裝底板,帶涂層

型號: 8C-TPOX01





EEPROM V167 W,P 2的格式化=格式化故障代碼V169 R 0…255 V200 R,W 1…254繼電器模塊的數據通信地址數據傳輸速率V201 R,W 4800或9600 Bd(R)4.8或9.6 kBd(W)程序版本V205 R 116 _讀取事件寄存器L R時間、信道號和事件代碼重讀事件寄存器B R時間、通道號


Under normal conditions the event register of the relay module is empty. The control data communicator also resets abnormal status data, so this data is normally zero Once the self-supervision system has detected an internal relay fault, the IRF indicator on the front panel of the relay module is lit. At the same time the self-supervision alarm relay that is normally picked up, drops off.

The maximum capacity of the event register is 65 events. The content of the register can be read by the L command, 5 events at a time, only once. Should a fault occur, say, in the data communication, the B command can be used to re-read the contents of the register. When required, the B command can be repeated. In general, the control data communicator reads the event data and forwards the information to an output device.

Formatting of EEPROM V167 W, P 2 = formatting Fault code V169 R 0…255 Data communication address of V200 R,W 1...254 relay module Data transfer rate V201 R,W 4800 or 9600 Bd (R) 4.8 or 9.6 kBd (W) Program version V205 R 116 _ Reading of event register L R Time, channel number and event code Rereading of event register B R Time, channel number



General ElectricTriconexAllen Bradley
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IC694BEM331RXM 4200 Triconex1734-OB4
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IC694MDL7533501T Triconex1756-IF6I
IC695CPU3159663-610 Triconex1764-LSP
IC697ALG320ITCC AO Triconex1786-RPA
IC697ALG3214000103-510 Triconex1794-OE8H
IC697BEM7113624 Triconex1756-CN2R
IC697BEM7133006 Triconex1756-M02AE
IC697BEM713NCM4329 NCM 4329 Triconex1756-DHRIO
IC697BEM7314000093-310 Triconex1756-L64
IC697BEM7339662-620 Triconex440R-G23029
IC697CHS750ITCC DO Triconex1756-OA16
IC697CMM711AI3351 Triconex1756-ENET
IC697CMM7413636T Triconex1756-CN2
IC697CPM9253501E Triconex1756-OA16I
IC697CPU7313481 Triconex1756-L73

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