鎮江銀海鋁業有限公司是具有規模的綜合性鋁材生產加工企業,地處江蘇腹地,巧踞上海和南京兩地中間,鐵、公、水交通極為便利。年生產加工銷售各類鋁材數萬噸。公司主要工業產品有:建筑保溫電廠脫硫用壓型鋁板、太陽能熱水器冰箱冰柜用花紋鋁板、汽車用外蒙鋁板、空調散熱器用鋁素箔和親水箔及燈飾用高純鋁板和各種工業用鋁板、鋁帶、鋁箔等,上述產品均嚴格按國家標準和企業標準組織生產。 我公司已通過-2008和-2004認證及ROHS環保認證,使產品的質量管理更上一層樓。

aluminum roofing corrugated sheet,aluminum corrugated sheet for roofing,corrugate aluminium plate,corrugate aluminium plates,corrugated aluminum sheet ,aluminum sheets.
Material: aluminum polly 1060,1100,3003,3004,1050
Apply to cement plant, steel mills, chemical plants, power plants. Function is anticorrosive insulation, corrosion. Can be used for wall, roof.
Thickness : 0.18mm -Full hard
0.20mm -Full hard
Base coil width: 750mm, 840mm, 1000mm, 667mm
Length : from 2metre to 10metre long
Export seaworth packing with pallet
Ship by 20'feet dry container.